Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Garcinia mangostana


Authors: Maciej Kluz, Karol Pietrzyk and Czesław Puchalski

Volume/Issue: Volume 26: Issue 1

Published online: 23 May 2023

Pages: 43 - 47



Aim of this study is to present microbiological quality, and antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of the mangosteen fruit in twoforms: freeze-dried powder and fresh fruit. During the identification of the mangosteen microbiota using a MALDI-TOF MS Biotypermass spectrophotometer, the presence of B. cereus and Saccharomyces spp. has been detected. The best antimicrobial activitywas achieved against Micrococcus spp. Mangosteen fruit (Garcina mangostana) is characterized by a high content of polyphenolsat the following levels: fresh fruit 3.22 ±0.68 mg GAE.g-1; powder form 2.17 ±0.64 mg GAE.g-1. Mangosteen shows a high antioxidantcapacity of the fruit in the two forms presented in the work. It was 21.18% (fresh fruit) and 14.46% (freeze-dried fruit). Mangosteenalso shows an antibacterial activity in relation to the strains of bacteria tested in our work.

Keywords: mangosteen fruit, microbiota, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity



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