Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae (AHR)

ISSN: 1335-2563 (printed edition)
ISSN: 1338-5259 (online)

  • Scientific journal of the Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra published since 1998 (Articles are published in English since 2013).
  • The journal is administered by an international Editorial Board
  • Editor-in–Chief: prof. Ing. Dušan Igaz, PhD.
  • Managing Editor: doc. Ing. Ján Horák, PhD.
  • The journal is published twice a year

Aims & Scope

Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae (AHR) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, scholarly journal aimed at presenting and disseminating the latest, up-to-date results of scientific research in the fields of landscape engineering, landscape architecture and horticulture within the context of climatic changes and sustainable development. The journal focuses on the publication of original research exploring the ideas and challenges that are central to horticulture and viticulture, nature, environment and landscape protection, management, sustainability, and related fields. More information ...

Types of published papers

  • Scientific Papers,
  • Short Communications,
  • Review Papers.

» Current issue: