Establishing the potential for the application of digital storytelling to support Chinese industrial heritage


Authors: Xin Bian and Andre Brown

Volume/Issue: Volume 26: Issue 2

Published online: 15 Nov 2023

Pages: 147 - 156



Chinese industrial heritage is the materialized carrier and historical witness of the evolution of urban spatial structure and industrial development. As an inseparable part of cultural heritage, it has rich historical, social, economic, scientific, technological, and aesthetic value. However, industrial heritage as a value is not suffi ciently acknowledged in the Chinese society. The factories, their activity, and their historical evolution are often disconnected and isolated from the daily life of the cities, being quite an unknown aspect for most citizens. In addition, due to the acceleration of urbanization, many industrial heritages in cities have disappeared. China has spent two decades promoting sustainable development of its industrial heritage, but there is still a lack of knowledge on how to promote sustainable development of industrial heritage through digital education. Based on these findings the paper discusses our research that promotes sustainable development aspects of industrial heritage, and our subsequent work has particularly focussed on associated landscape recovery. It does so by focussing on the particular highly valued heritage case of the Anshan Steel production site in China, and the environmental consequences of the Dagushan Open mine on the landscape. The paper ends with a critical reflection on how a digital tool can help to shape industrial heritage education, appreciation and involvement, and hence foster sustainable development processes.

Keywords: Chinese industrial heritage, sustainable development, digital storytelling, education, landscape recovery



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