Long-Term Runoff Variability Analysis of Rivers in the Danube Basin


Authors: Pavla Pekárová, Jakub Mészáros, Pavol Miklánek, Ján Pekár, Stevan Prohaska, Aleksandra Ilić

Volume/Issue: Volume 24: Issue s1: Special Issue

Published online: 21 May 2021

Pages: 37-44

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/ahr-2021-0008


The long-term runoff variability is identified to consist of the selected large rivers with long-term data series in the Danube River Basin. The rivers were selected in different regions of the Danube River Basin and have a large basin area (Danube: Bratislava gauge with 131,338 km2; Tisza: Senta with 141,715 km2; and Sava: Sremska Mitrovica with 87,966 km2). We worked with the station Danube: Reni in the delta as well. A spectral analysis was used to identify the long-term variability of three different types of time series: (1) Average annual discharge time series, (2) Minimum annual discharge time series and (3) Maximum annual discharge time series. The results of the study can be used in a long-term forecast of the runoff regime in the future.

Keywords: long-term discharge analysis, spectral analysis, Danube River Basin



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