Analysis of Air Temperature and Precipitation in Nitra, Slovakia in 2005–2019


Authors: Vladimír Kišš, Peter Šurda

Volume/Issue: Volume 24: Issue s1: Special Issue

Published online: 21 May 2021

Pages: 45-49



High air temperatures and low amount of precipitation occur more and more frequently in Slovakia. The aim of this work is to evaluate the temperature conditions and total precipitation during the period 2005–2019 and to compare it with the 50-year climatic normal 1951–2000. Also, there was calculated the probability of summer days, tropical days, super-tropical days, frost days and ice days occurrence. Annual temperature is higher by 0.9 °C (1.1 °C during vegetation period) than normal. Rainfall, especially in the last 5 years, has a decreasing character (-75 mm.year−1) with frequent fluctuations. New phenomena – super-tropical days has occurrence of up to 20% between July and August. This study provides information based on which adaptation measures to the climate change need to be taken.

Keywords: precipitation, air temperature, drought, probability of occurrence



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