Climate Change, Its Impacts and Possible Measures in Slovakia


Authors: Milan Lapin

Volume/Issue: Volume 24: Issue s1: Special Issue

Published online: 21 May 2021

Pages: 90-96



Total climate changes are a combination of climate changes due to human activities and climate changes of natural origin. Further development of climate change can be predicted, if we know the future development of GHG emission into the atmosphere and other human interventions with the world climate system. The future development in natural climate changes cannot be reliably predicted. It is very probable that climate change caused by humans will be much more significant than the natural climate changes, already from 2020. It is almost certain that the concentration of GHG in the Earth’s atmosphere will rise further for at least 100 years. The climate change scenarios can be prepared, according to the outputs of General Earth’s atmospheric circulation physical models (GCM). Adapting and mitigation measures projection to utilise or slow down the impact of the expected climate change are the next steps of the climate change issues solving.

Keywords: climate change, impacts, adaptation and mitigation, natural climate changes



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