Biodiversity And Dynamics Of Occurence Of Epigeic Groups In Different Types Of Farming


Authors: Jana Porhajašová, Jaroslav Noskovič, Alena Rakovská, Mária Babošová and Terézia Čeryová

Volume/Issue: Volume 18: Issue 1

Published online: 24 Jul 2015

Pages: 5–10



The aim of this work was to determine and compare the occurrence of epigeic groups in two methods of farming, ecological one and integrated one. The research was conducte in the locality Nitra – Dolná Malanta in the years 2013 and 2014. The monitoring locality is situated in the south-western part of Slovakia, in altitude 175–180 m on highly productive soils. For the collection of biological material, the earth traps method was applied, used during the vegetation period (from April to October), within both farming systems, at Hordeum sativum, Triticum aestivum and Vicia faba undersowing with Medicago sativa. In canopy of these crops, two soil traps were installed, renewed in monthly intervals. The total of 7,722 exemplars of epigeic groups was obtained, of which 4,355 exemplars were in ecological farming and 3,367 exemplars in integrated farming system. In both treatments, 19 epigeic groups were determined, with dominant abundance of Coleoptera, Collembola, Acarina, Araneae. Also other groups such as Diplopoda, Heteroptera, Chilopoda etc. were observed in lower occurrence. Based on the evaluation of influence of the crop in terms of the occurrence of epigeic groups, the most suitable conditions created Vicia faba with undersowing Medicago sativa (integrated farming) and Triticum aestivum (ecological farming). On the basis of calculated indexes, both farming systems can be evaluated as homeostatically balanced, providing present epigeic groups with topical and trophic conditions.

Keywords: agroecosystems, biodiversity, ecological farming, epigeic groups, integrated farming



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