Composition Analysis Of Municipal Solid Waste At A University Dormitory


Authors: Anna Báreková and Zuzana Franeková

Volume/Issue: Volume 18: Issue 2

Published online: 30 Dec 2015

Pages: 49–52



The paper represents a waste composition study that was conducted at the Mladosť dormitory of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra. The aim of the study was to determine the amount and composition of waste generated in the dormitory and to provide recommendations for enhancing the recycling rates and to improve the overall sustainability of waste management in the dormitory. The analysed solid waste was separated into organics, papers, plastics, glass, metals, cardboard beverage packaging (tetrapak), electronic waste (e-waste), and others. The estimated annual average quantity of waste generated per student of the dormitory is 38 kg. The composition of generated solid waste is as follows: paper (6%), glass (26%), plastic (9%), metal (4%), organic (28%), tetrapak (2%), e-waste (1%) and other waste (24%). Potential recycling rate of generated waste is 76%. Composting is the most sustainable method to convert organic waste into valuable compounds and to reduce the waste disposed into landfills.

Keywords: municipal solid waste, waste generation, waste composition analysis, university dormitory



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