Restoration of the Landscape Garden in Veľká Maňa


Authors: Attila Tóth and Ľubica Feriancová

Volume/Issue: Volume 19: Issue 1

Published online: 18 May 2016

Pages: 1–3



Restoration of the historical landscape garden in Veľká Maňa aims at the renewal of its compositional values and improvement of its position as a cultural and historical heritage site. In the restoration design, we strive to reconstruct and improve compositional and spatial qualities of the garden and at the same time to strengthen its cultural and social significance and position. The reconstruction plan aims not only at a renewal of the garden composition but also at finding the importance and adequate present and future uses of the landscape garden. The public part of the garden has a significant potential to become one of the community life and action centres in the village. The partial goals of the designed improvements in this part of the garden are: enrichment of the space with cultural and social functions, extension of the path system and an overall landscape architectural improvement of the garden space aiming at the functionality of the space in correspondence with the requirements and needs of present users.

Keywords: garden heritage, green infrastructure, historical green space, landscape garden, restoration



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