Open access Examination of BRT® Greenmoss, BRT® Evergreen and Fainsoil Bioactivator (FBA) in the Production of Tagetes patula L. ‘Csemő’


Authors: Andrea Tilly-Mándy, Anna Radó-Takács, Z. Rab and Péter Honfi

Volume/Issue: Volume 19: Issue s1: Issue s1

Published online: 07 Feb 2017

Pages: 35–39



Three kinds of recently developed plant growing media and organic fertilizers were studied separately or in combinations in Tagetes patula L. ‘Csemő’ production at the Szent István University, Budapest in 2014. Plant height and width; fresh weight and fresh/dry weight rate, chlorophyll content and peroxidase enzyme activity were detected. Highest and widest plants were obtained in BRT® GreenMoss, GreenMoss in combination with 10% BRT® Evergreen and in common growing mixture combined with 30% BRT® Evergreen in combination with Fainsoil Bioactivator treatment. All treatments increased fresh weight and chlorophyll content.

Keywords: Tagetes, chlorophyll, peroxidase, BRT



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