Movement of the Suspended Flow in the Open Irrigation Channels


Authors: Aybek Arifjanov, Alisher Fatxulloev and Tatiana Kaletová

Volume/Issue: Volume 22: Issue 2

Published online: 01 Nov 2019

Pages: 80–83



The article deals with the issues of turbulent movement of a suspended flow in open channels. Differential equations of a suspended flow were used with considering the interaction of the fluid and solid particles. The solution of equations for steady flow was obtained by a numerical method. Field data measured in irrigation channels in Tashkent and Parkent were used to estimate the velocity distribution over the depth of the stream. Developed method for calculating the formation of velocity field in statically and dynamically stable channels considered the turbulent characteristics and the presence of suspended sediments in the stream. The possibilities of practical application of the above-mentioned differential equations to the solution of the problem of a suspended solids flow's forming a velocity field were discussed. The developed analytical formulas make it possible to determine the value of flow parameters. The result is a new generalization of the mathematical model of the velocity field formation regularity at different flow saturations with a suspension. On its basis, the method is developed for calculating the parameters of the weighing process and transport of suspended particles in open channels.

Keywords: suspended solid flow, open channel, sediment, modelling



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