The Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Cultivation Introduction in Mountainous Oases of Algeria


Authors: Khalila Bengouga, Selwa Lahmadi, Rouguia Zeguerrou, Moufida Maaoui and Youcef Halis

Volume/Issue: Volume 23: Issue 1

Published online: 26 May 2020

Pages: 8–11



An FNR project entitled “Promotion of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) cultivation for the profit of arid and semi-arid regions’ women” is led by the CRSTRA. The investigations made during 2013 and 2014 in different arid and semi-arid regions of Algeria have permitted to install Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) cultivation in five principle sites: Ain Zaatout, Beni Souik, Branis, Djemorah and Maafa (Algeria). These mountainous oases are characterised especially by lack of water. After analysing the investigation results, saffron corms were distributed to women to be cultivated. The sowing was realised on different dates. The results obtained in the first year of saffron cultivation in mountainous oases of Algeria are promising. The flowering took place in the same year in four sites; it is the case of Ain Zaatout, Beni Souik, Djemorah and Maafa. However, the flowering took place in the second year in the site of Branis. The difference in saffron flowering occurrence can be attributed to the difference in altitude, the pedo-climatic difference as well as the difference in the date of sowing.

Keywords: Saffron, mountainous oases, flowering, Algeria



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