Evaluation of Population Regulation of Invasive Species Fallopia × Bohemica by Repeated Mowing


Authors: Lýdia Končeková, Helena Šebová and Eduard Pintér

Volume/Issue: Volume 17: Issue 1

Published online: 13 Jun 2014

Pages: 13–15

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/ahr-2014-0004


Population regulation of invasive species Fallopia × bohemica by repeated mowing was evaluated in experimental research plots in Babindol and Klasov. The mowings were carried out repeatedly (three mowings) during the growing season 2010. The statistical evaluation confirmed that the mechanical regulation of populations of Fallopia × bohemica significantly influenced the dynamics of shoot height as well as the diameter at the base of a stem. Significantly less marked decline of the population density had occured after the 2nd mowing. For the best controll in the future, we suggest the application of mechanical regulation in shorter intervals depending on a growth rate.

Keywords: alien plants, Fallopia × bohemica, mechanical regulation, mowing



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