Callus and Root-System Formation in Cherry Rootstock Gisela 5
Callus and Root-System Formation in Cherry Rootstock Gisela 5
PDFAuthors: Ján Mezey and Ivan Leško
Volume/Issue: Volume 17: Issue 1
Published online: 13 Jun 2014
Pages: 5–7
In our trial we concentrated on propagation possibilities for the currently most used cherry-tree rootstock GiSelA 5 in intensive fruit orchards. We compared four sampling dates in which we evaluated the callus and the root system formation with and without the use of a growth stimulator. As a growth stimulator, the Stimulax I (0.06% indolyl-acetic acid, 0.06% alpha-naphtyl acid, 0.05% naphtyl-butyric acid) in powder form was used. We reached non-significant results in the variants with the use of the growth stimulator and in the variant without the growth stimulator in each sampling date. The best results in callus and root system formation were achieved on the last sampling date, which was October 23rd, 2012. Zero callus and root system formation was achieved on July 23rd and August 23rd, 2012. The minimum basal width of the cutting must be at least 3 mm.
Keywords: rootstock, cherries, GiSelA 5, cuttings, propagation
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