The Evaluation of Soil Water Storage in A Small Catchment in 2009 And 2010


Authors: Ľuboš Jurík and Tatiana Kaletová

Volume/Issue: Volume 17: Issue 1

Published online: 13 Jun 2014

Pages: 1–4



The soil water storage in a soil profile was calculated from the measured values of volumetric soil water content by the Profile Probe PR2/6 (Delta-T Device Ltd.) in the Bocegaj catchment in the depth up to 1m. The monitored season in the year 2009 followed after a dry season, and in the year 2010, rainfalls were above the average values. The soil water storage was higher than the mean value of field capacity during the season with high precipitation events. With a decreased amount of rainfalls, rising air temperature and crops growing, the soil water storage was in recession. In the vertical direction, the volumetric soil moisture as well as soil water storage in every soil profile have their characteristic progresses.

Keywords: soil water storage, volumetric soil water content, soil water storage changes, direct monitoring



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