Diagnosis Of The Impact Of The Gabčíkovo Water Project On Soil Water Regime In The Surroundings


Authors: Miroslava JARABICOVÁ, Mária PÁSZTOROVÁ, Justína VITKOVÁ and Peter MINARIČ

Volume/Issue: Volume 17: Issue 2

Published online: 03 Jan 2015

Pages: 48–51

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ahr-2014-0012


Rye Island is a unique natural formation, which lies between the main flow of the Danube River and the Little Danube River and is the largest river island in Europe. It is located in the southwest of Slovakia and with its mild to slightly warm climate is one of the most fertile agricultural areas in Slovakia. The whole Rye Island is also our greatest reservoir of quality waters used for drinking purposes, where groundwaters of Rye Island are permanently supplied with water from the Danube River. It means that as water levels in the Danube River were unstable before the construction of the Gabčíkovo Water Project, also the groundwater level faced large fluctuations. Changes occurred after putting the Gabčíkovo Water Project into service, with a decrease in groundwater levels. Thereby, the conditions for agriculture have improved and drying of surrounding protected floodplain forests has stopped. Through the present contribution we decided to analyse the impact of Gabčíkovo on soil water regime in the area of Rye Island, and evaluate the course of groundwater level, precipitation and soil water storage over time. For the representative area we chose a forest ecosystem of Král’ovská Lúka and evaluated the period 1999 to 2009.

Keywords: the Gabčíkovo Water Project, soil water regime, groundwater level, precipitation, soil water storage



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