Assessment of Soil Physical Characteristics of Luvisols Under Monoculture of Vines


Authors: Vladimír Šimanský and Marek Kolenčík

Volume/Issue: Volume 19: Issue 1

Published online: 18 May 2016

Pages: 21–27



The physical properties of Luvisols under vineyards of the Nitra wine-growing area (Slovakia) were evaluated in the paper. Soil samples were taken from two selected localities (Nitra - Dražovce, Vráble). The obtained results showed that in the soil profile of Dražovce, the average contents of non-capillary pores, capillary pores and semi-capillary pores to the total porosity were equal to 26.1, 64.4 and 9.4%, respectively, and in the soil profile of Vráble - 22.3, 75.6 and 2.1%, respectively. In the Dražovce locality, the average content of aggregate stability index (Sw) decreased in the following order: abandoned vineyard > grassy strip between the vineyard rows > intensively cultivated rows of vineyard. In contrast, in the Vráble locality, higher average contents of Sw were determined in intensively cultivated rows of vineyard in comparison to grassy strip between the vineyard rows. The lowest average value of vulnerability coefficient (Kv) was observed in abandoned vineyard (Dražovce locality) and in both localities in grassy strip between the vineyard rows. Intensive cultivation of the vineyard rows resulted in higher vulnerability of soil structure. The values of maximum capillary capacity were almost the same in both soil profiles of Luvisols. A higher content of soil moisture was observed in the soil profile in the Vráble locality (33.6±2.50) in comparison to the Dražovce locality (30.6±5.44). Higher content of storage moisture was determined in the Vráble locality (2,684 l m-2) in comparison to the Dražovce locality (2,450 l m-2).

Keywords: porosity, soil structure parameters, the Nitra viticulture region, vineyards



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