Historical Terrain Changes Mapping Due to the Wind Erosion Degradation Processes


Authors: Lenka Lackóová and Jana Kozlovsky Dufková

Volume/Issue: Volume 19: Issue 1

Published online: 18 May 2016

Pages: 13–16

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ahr-2016-0004


In this paper we compare the Digital terrain model (DTM) created from contours extracted from the Base Map of Slovakia with the scale of 1 : 10000 from year 1970 and DTM derived from the points measured with the Trimble® R8 GPS receiver with TSC2 data loggers from 2013. The purpose of the provision of these DMTs is to create baseline information that we used in quantifying physical changes due to wind erosion processes in the terrain of selected field in 43 years, since 1970 to present 2013. The comparison of the DTMs was validated by the volumetric method during wind erosion event. The results achieved from the volumetric method show that in one erosion event, about 480 m3 of soil has been eroded and transported to another location. In DTM comparison (43 years) volume amount which was calculated by “3D analyst tool - terrain and TIN surface - Surface difference”, 31,228 m3 of eroded soil was accumulated in the area and 16,236 m3 was lost from the area. Totally 14,922 m3 (5.5 cm height across the whole field) was transported from outlying eroded fields.

Keywords: Digital terrain model, wind erosion, historical terrain changes



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