Insect Pests Occurring on the Different Iris L. (Iridaceae) Taxa


Authors: Elżbieta Wojciechowicz-Żytko, Barbara Rogowska, Maja Dobińska, Anna Witek and Magdalena Kulig

Volume/Issue: Volume 19: Issue s1: Issue s1

Published online: 07 Feb 2017

Pages: 40–41



The experiment was carried out in years 2012–2013 in the Collection of Ornamental Plants of the Agricultural University in Cracow. Six Iris taxa – Iris graminea L. and hybrids from Sibiriceae section: I. ‘Wisley White’, ‘Wiltrude Gissel’, ‘Violet Meer’, ‘White Swirl’, I. ‘Towanda Redflare’ × I. sibirica hybrid (RF × I SK) were observed. Each taxon was represented by five clumps. In weekly intervals from May to August, the insects: Mononychus punctumalbum (Hbst.), Phorbia servadei (Seguy), Oxythyrea funesta (Poda.) and Aphthona nonstriata (Goeze) were collected from the selected plants. The differences in infestation of different Iris taxa by pests were noted. The most infested by pests was the hybrid from Sibiriceae section I. ‘Wiltrud Gissel’ whereas hardly attacked species was Iris graminea. M. punctumalbum and P. servadei were the most frequently occurring insects. The adults of M. punctumalbum were observed in the greatest numbers on ‘Wiltrud Gissel’, ‘Violet Meer’ and RF × I SK hybrid. P. servadei larvae were most abundant in the buds of ‘Wiltrud Gissel’ and ‘Violet Meer’ O. funesta and A. nonstriata occurred in a small number whereas a common pest – A. newtoni – was not found.

Keywords: Iridaceae, pests, infestation



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