Type of papers
Type of papers
General requirements
The manuscript should be submitted in MS Word text editor and the SI international system of measurement units should be used. Required basic formal structure for peer-reviewed papers: IMRAD.
Types of papers
Acta horticulturae et regiotecturae publishes peer-reviewed papers. All papers are published in English.
- Peer-reviewed papers
- Research Article,
- Short Communications,
- Review Papers.
To ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review of your submission, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other, therefore your manuscript for all types of peer reviewed papers will be uploaded as two documents - Affiliation letter and Manuscript without affiliations.
The affiliation letter includes:
- Title, Full authors(s) name(s),
- Acknowledgements (optional)
- Contact address
Manuscript without affiliations structured depending on the type of article described below:
Research article
Scientific Papers should fully and clearly state the main goals, applied methods and procedures and obtained results of an original research or original solution. Scientific papers are limited to max. 10 pages or 18 000 characters. Manuscripts should be divided into the following sections (required order):
- Title
- Abstract (max 250 words, 1 paragraph)
- Keywords (3-5)
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion; Conclusions
- References
Short Communications
A shorter paper aiming to provide readers with useful and novel results or information, should report new data/results that should be communicated to the scientific community prior to the completion of the full investigation. Articles focusing on original research, proposal of a new theory or concept based on existing research, new models, hypotheses, innovative methods etc. This article type includes but is not limited to discovery or development of new solutions, novelty in theory, novelty in simulation and modelling. Short Communications are limited to 3 pages or 5 400 characters including figures or tables. Manuscripts should be divided into the following sections (required order):
- Title
- Abstract (max 150 words, 1 paragraph)
- Keywords (3-5)
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- References (max. 15)
Review Articles
Up-to-date articles that aim to provide overview of a particular field or specific aspects of the journal topics concerned. Length: should not exceed 12000 characters. Manuscripts should be divided into the following sections (required order):
- Title
- Abstract
- Main text
- References