Guide for Authors
Guide for Authors
Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the Open journal system.
The corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication. Before publication, papers will be emailed to the corresponding author for proofreading. The author’s response, with or without corrections, should be sent as soon as possible. Compliance with these instructions is obligatory for all authors.
To ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review of your submission, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other, therefore your manuscript for all types of peer reviewed papers will be uploaded as two documents - Affiliation letter and Manuscript without affiliations.
Types of paper
Acta horticulturae et regiotecturae publishes peer-reviewed papers. All papers are published in English. Guides for Authors – Detailed Information. Manuscript submission process in OJS (Open Journal System). Are available to download.
Title. Short, brief, and concise information on the paper content.
Authors. The first names and surnames of all the authors who contributed to the paper preparation (separated by commas), followed by the workplace address at the next line. Academic degrees should not be stated.
Acknowledgements. If applicable.
Contact address. It should include the full name (excluding scientific degrees) of the corresponding author, an affiliation/complete up-to-date postal address in English (as indicated on the website of the institution), and the email address and telephone.
Title. Short, brief, and concise information on the paper content.
Abstract. It is a short summary of the whole paper (as a single paragraph). It should clearly estimate the goals of research and bring a brief description of experiments, the main observations, results, and conclusions. Provide an abstract of not more than 250 and not less than 100 words. It should be clear, without referring to the paper. Use complete sentences and limit the use of abbreviations. Repeating the paper title at the beginning of the abstract is not recommended. The subject of the paper should be given at the beginning; new facts, data, and methods should be presented herein.
Keywords. Up to a maximum of five key words starting with small letters should be listed at the end of the abstract.
Introduction. It should afford a review of related works and the information concerning the state of the research of relevant issues. Related references are recommended. The introduction should not be divided into subunits.
Material and methods. All preliminary material, experiments conducted, their extent, conditions and course should be described in detail in this section. The section should consist of subunits describing equipment, methods, and procedures. It is necessary to provide readers with enough details of methods and equipment to enable the described procedure to be repeated. When methods are not original, adequate references are recommended. Statistical processing methods, including the software used, should also be listed in this section.
Results and discussion. Results should be presented briefly in tables or figures. The author should confront partial results with data published by other authors, whose names and year of publication are to be cited by including them in the text directly (e.g. as published by Reicosky (2001); Galambošová and Rataj (2010) found…) or citing authors and years of publication in parentheses (Williams et al., 2012; Macák & Žitňák, 2010) separated by semicolons. Provide enough data to give reasons for conclusions. The same information should not be given in different forms (tables, graphs, text). In the discussion, it is necessary to emphasise the importance of findings and to compare the information obtained with existing knowledge, if possible. Tables and figures should be marked understandably; photographs, graphs, diagrams, maps, etc. should have a legend. Using TM and ® with products is necessary.
Illustrations. Illustrations are pictures containing graphs, diagrams, maps, schemes, and others. There is no need to distinguish between different types of illustrations. You can label all as „Figure.” All the illustrations must be numbered in a continuous series of numbers in the entire manuscript, and they must have captions (name of the figure) for each figure. Name of the figure must be understandable even without the text. They must be placed just after the text that mentions it for the first time (preferably on the same page). Figures should be centred, if possible. Each figure must be referred to in the paper (for example Fig. 1).

Figure [Write the name of the picture]
Tables. Tables present ideas and assertions described in the paper. Any of the table’s material composed of more than four or five lines shall be elaborated in example below. Description and table header must be understandable individually without a reference to the text. Table headers shall express a kind of the constant and types of the unit it in a form „constant/unit” therefore it is needed to use the same symbols and abbreviations as in the text. Each of the table must have a consecutive number and a title located usually at the top of the table. Each table shall be oriented in the same way, and it must be referring in the paper (for example Table 1, Fig. 1).
Table [Write the name of the table]

Equations, formulas. Equations are in the middle of the line, comments and symbols at the beginning of the line. If the paper includes more formulas, the number of the formula shall be in roundish brackets without spaces, located at the right end of the line. Please use italics for stating physical constants and mathematical variables. We use the International System of Units SI (ISO 80000-1 as a part of the ISO 80000 standard). When writing equations, we use equation editor (has to be installed).
Mark the number of equation (in a bracket to the right) and Bookmark it for the next references in the text through:
Start with the equation

Conclusion. It is necessary to briefly conclude the most important results presented in the paper, the key points of following research and experimental work, and recommendations for utilization of results in academic or professional practice.
Recommended citation style is APA 7 style. References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author, without numbering the individual items. Only papers cited in the text must be included in the list of references.
If there is no author/person primarily responsible for the intellectual content, list alphabetically according/sorting to the title. In the case of two or more references by the same author, then list them in order of publication date with the oldest work first. Do not use the expression “anonymous „or “anonymous author, “use the title of the resource.
References lists appear at the end of paper on a separate page. Centre and type the word “References” at the top of your list. All lines after the first line of each entry in the list should be indented 1 cm from the left margin. Author`s names are inverted; give last names and initials for all authors of a work unless the work has more than 20 authors. Sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double spaced.
In text citation. Use the past tense or present perfect tense when using signal phrases to describe earlier research, e.g., “Smith (2020) found” or “Smith (2020) has found.” Follow the author-date method of in-text citation: (Smith, 2020).
A Work with One or Two Authors |
Name the author(s) in the single phrase or in the parentheses. Spell out “and” in signal phrases but use ampersand in parentheses. Brown and Taylor (2020) found that ….. (Brown & Taylor, 2020) |
A Work by Three or More Authors |
Include the name of the first authors plus „et al.“ in each citation, including the first, unless that would create ambiguity with another source. Novak et al. (2020) argued that .... (Novak et al., 2020) |
Avoiding Ambiguity with Multiple Sources |
When different source have similar groups of authors, include as many authors as are necessary to differentiate between the sources. Novak, Tatosova, Barek, et al. (2021) argued that ..... On the other hand, Novak, Tatosova, Halaj, et al., 2021) |
Unknown Author |
If the work does not have an author, cite the source by its title in the signal phrase or use the first word or two in the parentheses, Italicize titles of books and reports; titles of articles and chapters go in quotation marks. A similar study was conducted with students learning to format research papers (“Using APA,” 2021). |
Organisation as Author |
For organisation or government agency authors, mention organisations in the signal phrase or the parenthetical citation the first time you cite it. According to Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra (SAU) (2021), … |
Two or more Works in the Same Parentheses |
When your parenthetical citation includes two or more works, order them the same way they appear in the reference list, separated by a semi-colon. (Igaz, 2020; Mezey, 2019) |
General Mentions or Common Websites, Software and Applications |
Mention the site in the text and include the address in parentheses, |
Software and apps use version numbers in parentheses |
We consulted the HYSIM ( |
Reference list
Single Author Periodical |
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of the Periodical, volume member (issue number), page. DOI (if available) |
Other Author Variations |
For two authors, use the ampersand and separate with a comma. Lastname, A. A. & Lastname, B. B. For 21 or more authors, follow the pattern above for the first 19 authors, use an ellipsis, and write the final author`s name. For organization as author, write the whole name of the organization: Food and Agriculture Organization. For an unknown author, start with the title of the work and follow all other guidelines |
Chapter in Edited Book |
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of chapter. In E.E. Editor (Ed.), Title of the book, (pp. pages of chapter 1-18). Publisher Name. DOI (if available) |
Book |
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the Book. Publisher Name. DOI (if available) |
YouTube Video |
Uploader, A. A. (Date). Title of work [Video]. YouTube. URL |
Podcast Episode |
Name, A. A. (Host). (Date). Title of podcast [Audio podcast]. Publisher. URL |
Tweet |
Author, A. A. (@username). (Date). Content of post up to first 20 words. Site Name. URL |
Page on a Website |
Most online sources that do not fall under other categories (social media, posts, blog, journal) will use this template, including articles on news websites such as CNN News and pages on government or NGO websites Author, A. A. (Date), Title of the page. Site Name. URL |
For detailed standards and procedures, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the APA Style website at